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Hello, I’m Se-se.The cold winter passed and the warm spring came.The season when the seasons change like now is called the change of seasons.During the change of seasons, the body is active a lot to adapt to it due to rapid and frequent temperature changes, and the immune system is weakened due to stress.The weakened immune system is easily exposed to various diseases, so you should pay more attention to health care.So today, I’m going to introduce some tips for health care during the change of seasons with Sese.

Hello, I’m Se-se.The cold winter passed and the warm spring came.The season when the seasons change like now is called the change of seasons.During the change of seasons, the body is active a lot to adapt to it due to rapid and frequent temperature changes, and the immune system is weakened due to stress.The weakened immune system is easily exposed to various diseases, so you should pay more attention to health care.So today, I’m going to introduce some tips for health care during the change of seasons with Sese.

First of all, the tips for health care during the change of seasons, and the first is hand washing.Hand washing is so important that it is called a self-vaccine.Most infectious diseases can be prevented by washing hands properly after going out.

The second trick is light exercise.Exercise is essential to boost immunity.Light stretching and walking help improve peripheral blood circulation and cardiopulmonary function of our body.However, please be careful because excessive exercise can build up fatigue and cause poison to your body!

The third trick of cesse is to drink enough water.You have to protect the dry bronchus at the turn of the season.Sufficient water intake protects dry bronchi and prevents various diseases and allergic diseases.

The fourth trick of the cesse is to always have a jacket.The daily temperature difference is very large during the change of seasons, so I think you are thinking about what to do with your clothes.The best way is to always wear a thin jacket when it’s cold and take it off when it’s hot to protect your health, such as preventing colds!

The last trick of caesae is to eat foods that strengthen your immune system.It is recommended to eat foods that are good for maintaining immunity because immunity decreases considerably during the change of seasons.Among them, yellow food is effective.Each food has its own color, and yellow or orange food is called yellow food.Typical examples of yellow food include carrots, grapefruit, pumpkin, and other foods! Garlic and ginger are also said to be good at improving immunity, so why don’t you try eating yellow food frequently?

The last trick of caesae is to eat foods that strengthen your immune system.It is recommended to eat foods that are good for maintaining immunity because immunity decreases considerably during the change of seasons.Among them, yellow food is effective.Each food has its own color, and yellow or orange food is called yellow food.Typical examples of yellow food include carrots, grapefruit, pumpkin, and other foods! Garlic and ginger are also said to be good at improving immunity, so why don’t you try eating yellow food frequently?

Today, I talked with Se-se about health care tips during the change of seasons.Let’s try to overcome the diseases at the turn of the season by referring to the tips with Sese!#Korea Energy Corporation #KEA #Summer #Healthcare #Change of seasons #Hand wash #Immunity #Yellowfood #Sesese

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blog.ibk.co.kr/2733https ://www.dosolhospital.co.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=column&wr_id=26http ://www.doctorw.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=83914

blog.ibk.co.kr/2733https ://www.dosolhospital.co.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=column&wr_id=26http ://www.doctorw.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=83914

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