[Not complete] Naver webtoon “Black Wizard reborn after 6666 years” REVIEW(~31話)

1. introduction of someone’

Diablo Wolfeel, the mighty Black Wizard. He was brazenly sealed by the Twelve Gods, but after 6666 years he descended to this land again! “Oops!” to Count Welton’s newborn son.Deep Dark Magic Fantasy Start! Writers: Tal, Hwabong / Pasa Genre: Story, Fantasy Number of times: incomplete – currently episode 31 Naver Webtoon or KAKAO PAGE

Webtoon “Black Wizard reborn after 6666 years” is a webtoon based on web novels that are being published exclusively in the Naver series. Since the web novel itself is a popular work, the process of being made into a webtoon is drawing attention, but only 31 episodes have been serialized, so it is expected to be active in the future.

Diablo Borfeel, the powerful black wizard of the Black Wizard who was reborn after 66 to 66 years.He was shamelessly sealed by the Twelve Gods, but 6666 years later he descended to this land again!”Ode!” to the newborn eldest son of the Earl of Welton.Deep Dark Magic Fantasy Start! Comic. naver.com

(Enjoyable link) 2. How do you feel

(Enjoyable link) 2. How do you feel

The web novel is also a series of black magic used in 6666 years, but the web novel itself is well known as the story of the story of the world.Because of the web-tune story, it is a series of black magic, the web tunnel “6666666666666666 years, the story is not a shortcomings.However, there are a lot of difference between the web novel and “Dellton” and Web Tunnel.In the web novel, the white novel, and the darkness of the young man, and the darkness of the young boy, and the darken.However, the web tunnel, the web tunnel has been more likely to be more likely to be a different from the web tunnel, but the film writer is sufficient to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able.In the web novel, the web tunnel, the web tunnel that is the first time in the web-tie who is the first time.”Compared to the web novel is 13 stories, Webtun is not a few stories, but the webtun is still expected to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able.But the family episode of the family story, and the family story of “Diewellton” and “JMewellton” and it’s a little bit of the comic element.If you like a dream of the audience, I recommend that you like a new magic genre, I recommend that you have been new magic.”3. Comparison with novels

Webtoon readers who read web novels can re-evaluate their works with more realistic storylines because they express web novels in pictures.Webtoon readers who have never seen a web novel can be read lightly in webtoons because the content is too huge until season 3.In addition, it feels like it is being serialized with more comic elements emphasized in webtoons, so you can enjoy “Black Wizard reborn after 666 years” relatively more comfortably.

However, there are also inconveniences felt by the public. With too many webtoons based on popular web novels being serialized, more and more readers are pointing out the webtoon environment that is being ” mass-produced.” The webtoon will not be able to overlook the criticism.In addition, since it is a webtoon work that corresponds to romance and fantasy stories that seem to be too many among webtoon genres, I think that the workability and significance of webtoons will exist beyond the above criticism.Since only 31 episodes have been serialized, it remains to be seen in what direction the webtoon will go to become a prominent work or just such a work in an overflowing webtoon environment. 4. Triangular “IF delusion”

1) The original novel of the project is a work promoted by YouTube’s influencer itself, and its promotional effect is also applied to webtoons.

This is not a lot of attention to the webtun works, but it may not be more attention to the serial number of web novels.Therefore, marketing that is likely to promote webtun or web novels through the influence of Webtun or web novels.Also, if the web novel is still impossible to proceed with web novels, the website, it is still impossible to promote the product business, such as the product business, and the product business, it is worthwhile.2) I think it was good to continue to continue the weight of the appearance, and I think it was good.I think that the number of factors such as “6666 years” and pictures, but the “666 years” and “The black magic” is not just a little bit of the world.”However, this part is already serialized, so that it is a perfect job that you need to take advantage of webtunnel only to be a webtunnel.Finally, pay to authenticate!Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Imagehttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/poJWTjTe8qc

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